Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)?

Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)?

Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)?

A real national dish: the French bouillabaisse is well known! Important for the typical taste is the preparation with different types of fish, preferably from the Mediterranean. Here is our best bouillabaisse recipe!

French bouillabaisse with rouille

In France, a baguette with rouille is traditionally served with fish soup. The latter is a savory potato mayonnaise. Press 1 clove of garlic through a garlic press. Place 1 egg yolk in a narrow, tall container with the garlic. Add some saffron, 5 tablespoons of fish stock and 4-5 boiled potato pieces (set aside when preparing the soup) and puree everything finely. Pour in 100 ml olive oil in a thin stream. Season with salt.

Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)?
Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)?

Bouillabaisse – the best recipe:

  • 1 kg ready-to-cook fish fillets (e.g. sea bream, sea bass or monkfish, ask the fishmonger to provide the fish carcasses)
  • 200 g headless, shelled prawns
  • 300 grams of mussels
  • 5 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt
  • pepper
  • 3 sprigs of thyme
  • 1 onion
  • 2 carrots (approx. 200 g)
  • 300 g waxy potatoes
  • 1 fennel
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste
  • possibly 50 ml vermouth
  • 200 ml dry white wine
  • 1 jar of saffron threads (0.1 g)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 tomatoes
  • parsley for garnish

French bouillabaisse with rouille preparation

  1. Rinse the fish in cold water, pat dry and remove any bones that may be present. Cut fillets into bite-sized pieces. Peel the prawns, except for the tail piece, rinse the prawns and shell separately in cold water and pat dry. Brush the mussels under cold running water, remove beards, remove open and damaged mussels. Chill the mussels.
  2. Roast the shrimp shells in a saucepan with 1/2 tbsp oil for approx. 2 minutes while turning. Pour in 2 liters of cold water. Add the fish carcass and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes. Skim off the resulting foam.
  3. Meanwhile, heat 2 tbsp oil in a large pan. Fry the fish fillets on the skin side for about 1 minute, turn and remove from the pan. Season fillets with salt and pepper. Put 1/2 tbsp oil in the hot pan and fry the prawns for about 1 minute. Remove.
  4. Wash thyme, shake dry. Peel and dice the onion. Peel carrots and cut into thin slices. Peel and wash the potatoes and cut into cubes of approx. 1 cm. Clean the fennel, quarter lengthways and cut out the stalk. Cut the fennel into thin strips. Peel and press the garlic cloves. Pass the fish stock through a cheesecloth.
  5. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a wide saucepan. Sauté the carrots, potatoes, fennel, thyme, garlic and onion for about 2 minutes while turning. Add the tomato paste and sweat for about 1 minute. Deglaze with vermouth if you like. Add wine, saffron and bay leaf. Pour the stock over the vegetables and cover and simmer over a low heat for about 30 minutes.
  6. In the meantime, score the tomatoes in a cross shape on the stalk side, blanch in boiling water for approx. 30 seconds, drain and shock in ice cold. Peel the skin off the tomatoes, quarter the tomatoes, cut out the core and cut the flesh into strips. Add the tomatoes, fish fillets, shrimp and mussels to the soup. Remove the pot from the stove and let it stand for about 5 minutes.
  7. Wash the parsley, shake dry, pluck off the leaves and chop coarsely. Remove unopened mussels from the bouillabaisse. Season the soup with salt and pepper and arrange in deep bowls.

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Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)? Have you tried the bouillabaisse (French fish soup)?