Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste?

Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste?

Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste?

These tricks will save you a lot of time, Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste?

We usually use toothpaste twice a day – in the morning after getting up and in the evening before bed. But although it is basically only intended for brushing your teeth, toothpaste can also be used in other ways. We’ve compiled a list of the top eight toothpaste brushing tricks.

Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste?
Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste?

1. Hair Color

If you dye your hair yourself, you probably like having red or brown spots from the hair color on your forehead and neck. You can get rid of this with a lot of soap and a little scrubbing, but it is still quite harmful to the skin. Therefore, it is better if you rub petroleum jelly on the hairline beforehand, but even then the hair color can still stain the skin. Don’t have Vaseline handy, or did the paint stain anyway? Then just put a little bit of toothpaste on a cotton pad and rub it on the affected skin. You will see that it will be clean again in no time. Don’t forget to wash your skin with some water and mild soap afterwards, as the toothpaste can be quite dry.

2. Thermos

Do you like to use a thermos for tea or coffee on the go? We love our pot, but it can also become disgusting quite quickly. If you haven’t used it for a while, it can develop an unpleasant odor that makes it unpalatable to drink again. You can easily get rid of that with toothpaste. Simply squeeze something into the thermos flask and fill it up with hot water. Then simply let this mixture soak for a while, shake well and drain. Then just rinse with hot water and the bad smell is gone.

3. Sunglasses

Are your sunglasses covered in fingerprints and dust? No problem for toothpaste! However, make sure that you use a mild toothpaste that does not have any abrasive particles. Just squeeze a little toothpaste onto a cotton swab and rub it on your glasses. Then rub them clean with fresh cotton pads until the toothpaste is gone.

4. Cutting board

Did you cut onions or fish? Then both the cutting board and your hands will probably smell like it. However, you can easily get rid of this smell by washing your hands with some toothpaste. You can also rub it on your chopping board before rinsing it so that the bad smells disappear in no time.

5. Felt pens

Perhaps your child has been drawing somewhere other than paper and your desk is now full of felt-tip pen marks. But don’t worry, you can simply rub the table with toothpaste and a scouring pad here too. Then simply wipe away with a paper towel and nobody will ever know about the mishap.

6. White soles

If you own a pair of white-soled sneakers, then you know how difficult it is to keep them bright white. Usually they like to change color to a yellow tinge or gradually turn gray. If you want to keep your white soles, you can simply use a scouring pad with some toothpaste. Then simply wipe with a paper towel and your soles are white again.

7. Iron

Do you have residues on the iron that make ironing difficult? Of course, you don’t want to iron stains into your precious clothes, so it’s important to clean the iron regularly. Make sure the iron is cold before rubbing some toothpaste on it and then wiping it off with a paper towel.

8. Headlight

Do your headlights look a little dull? Don’t worry, just put some toothpaste on it and rub it in with your fingertips. Then leave the toothpaste on for about 15 minutes and then use an old toothbrush to scrub the surface. You’ll notice the paste turn brown as it scrubs away all the dirt. Then simply wipe the headlights with a damp towel after scrubbing.

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Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste? Did you know that you can clean 8 things with toothpaste?