Are you suffering from burnout?

Are you suffering from burnout?

Are you suffering from burnout?

Are you suffering from burnout? Stress at work or strenuous living conditions quickly push us to the breaking point. That’s why it’s all the more important to know the warning signs that point to burnout. These four signs are part of it.

Have you been feeling drained, exhausted and empty for a long time? That could be a sign of burnout. In Germany, around four percent of the population currently suffers from burnout symptoms – and the trend is rising.

In general, it is very difficult to define what burnout actually is. Even experts don’t really agree. This makes the whole issue all the more difficult, as it is unclear what exactly constitutes burnout and how burnout can really be determined. How often burnout really occurs cannot really be said.

Are you suffering from burnout?
Are you suffering from burnout?

In order to seek help early on, it is important to know the signs that indicate exhaustion depression. Jacob Drachenberg, trainer for healthy stress management, recommends regularly observing and reflecting on yourself so as not to get into this state in the first place.

This is not always easy in stressful everyday (work) life – that’s why we have summarized four signs that can indicate burnout.

1. Supposedly simple tasks push you to your limits

A first sign that points to a burnout can already be seen in everyday life. Are you overwhelmed by tasks that are actually easy for you? This is a sign that you are physically and emotionally exhausted at the moment.

For example, if someone asks you to do a small task, such as writing a short email, and that upsets you, then this is a clear sign of overloading your body and psyche.

2. You are constantly irritable

We all get irritated at times, it’s completely normal. However, if the irritability becomes normal, then you should worry. If your thoughts are permanently negative and you are already annoyed by your irritability, this can also be a symptom of burnout.

3. You’re pretty forgetful

Several studies also show that burnout can also affect our memory. This leads to forgetfulness, which can quickly lead to unwanted mistakes at work.

But this forgetfulness can also make itself felt in private life: For example, you are in the supermarket and no longer know what you actually wanted to buy or where the groceries are.

If this forgetfulness persists, it can be another sign of burnout.

4. Your apartment is in chaos

Is there a mess in the apartment, the dishes are piled up and you have a hard time starting the day because the to-do’s in your own four walls are paralyzing you – this can also be a sign of burnout.

If you are exhausted and drained, it is normal that you can no longer start your day in a structured way and master the day.


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